How to declutter your bedroom

Just a few minutes of tidying each day can help make your bedroom a great place to be.

Your bedroom is your personal space, a safe haven where you can be yourself, relax, learn, daydream and sleep. It’s also a space where you keep almost everything you own and that might include things that have accumulated over many years. If you walk into your room and think, ‘there’s a bed in there somewhere’, and you can’t remember what your floor looks like, it’s probably a sign you need to declutter.

Sifting through everything you have and deciding what you need to keep, throw out, recycle or give away sounds like a chore, but it’s easier than you think and there are plenty of advantages. When you clear out the things you no longer need, you create more space and improve the energy in your room. Having less stuff will make it simple to find what you do have, and tidying your room will take less effort. So, how do you declutter your room (particularly if it’s the messiest it’s ever been) and ensure it stays tidy?


If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the task, focus on clearing and cleaning one drawer, box or corner of the room at a time and work your way round. You don’t have to do it all in one go. Decluttering can be tiring and intense, particularly on an emotional level, so try to do a little bit every day. Take your time, especially when it comes to deciding whether you need to keep sentimental items or not. Letting go of things you no longer need is refreshing and worth the effort. Once your room is clean and free of clutter, it will feel fresh, cosy and inviting.


  1. Create designated places for your things so they are easy to find. Use a keepsake box for precious things; filing for homework and notes; storage boxes for games or sports equipment; shelves for books; drawers and a wardrobe for storing clean clothes; and a laundry bag for your washing.
  2. Have a small bin near your bedroom door and instantly dispose of whatever can’t be reused.
  3. Do you have a drawer full of electronic gadgets, earphones, cables and chargers? Look through them and let go of what you no longer use.
  4. Go through your stuff and declutter every few months. You’ll be surprised by what you accumulate in such a short time and the clothes you’ve outgrown or no longer wear.
  5. Wherever you can, recycle or donate anything you no longer need. It’s better for you and the environment.
  6. Decluttering expert Lisa Cole suggests keeping a decluttering box ready at all times. Put it somewhere you can’t miss it and get rid of it as soon as it’s full. Aim to put a few things in it each day and you will start to see a difference soon.
  7. And remember. Don’t let anyone talk you into getting rid of something sentimental if you’re not sure. It’s okay to have stuff as long as it makes you happy. You’re the best judge of that.


If you can’t decide whether to keep, throw out, recycle or donate an item to charity, ask yourself these questions:

  • What am I saving it for?
  • Do I need it?
  • Do I actually like it?
  • Is it something I still use?
  • When am I likely to use it again?
  • Does it still fit?
  • When did I last wear it?
  • Is it broken?
  • Can it be repaired?
  • How does it make me feel?
  • Does it have sentimental value?
  • Why do I feel attached to it?
  • Will I miss it if I let it go?
  • Does it remind me of good or bad times?
  • Do I really need seven (or whatever the number) of these?

Can I recycle it or give it to someone who needs it?

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